Guiding lights : How Ideals Shape Indian Parenting

The Role of Ideals in Indian Parenting

Indian parenting is deeply rooted in traditional values and ideals. This could be a legacy. however, in the modern era , globalization and evolving societal norms are reshaping family dynamics, the role of these ideals is being constantly examined and redefined. This blog explores how classical ideals intersect with contemporary issues such  as ego, anger, selfishness, fear, self-confidence, responsibilities and self-reliance in the context of Indian parenting.

Understanding the Ideals

•  The biggest and most important criteria in Indian parenting is respect of elders, politeness and a sense of discipline. Human beings carry their ideals with them in different subjects and contexts of life and at every stage of time. Having ideals in life creates a sense of security, hope and inspiration in the mind. Having ideals in life is equivalent to having a weapon. In the Indian lifestyle and rich history, there have been many great idealists who can make one’s life successful in every sense. From ancient times, the concept of idealism has been present in the Indian minds in different ways in the context of a peaceful and harmonious life. Due to which life and its purpose do not deviate from the path. That is why Indian parents set ideals for their children from their childhood.


Parenting style

Modern Challenges and Shifts

•  A few decades ago, there were not as many obstacles in the matter of raising children as we see today. And they are increasing and changing day by day. Aspects of parenting are expanding. In the olden days, all the subjects lived the above-mentioned lifestyle which automatically included most of the points of parenting. The overall development of children was done without focusing much on them. With time, the concept of an ideal lifestyle kept on increasing and changing with different classes and objectives. Too many expectations started being made of children, due to which efforts started being made to get more output without the right path. Many things started increasing for the purpose of almost every human life. The result of this was a weak foundation and temporary goals in the life of children instead of a strong foundation, which invites new struggles for the children.

•  In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, family relationships have evolved, and homes have become smaller. Gone are the days when the whole house was filled with happiness and cherished childhood memories. Nowadays, children often seek love, affection, and support within a limited circle. However, children from large families tend to be more confident. Interacting with different people helps them learn quickly and adapt to various situations.

In this rapidly changing world, we should prepare our children accordingly for the new problems that arise beyond our experience. 

Ego and Selfishness

•  Children’s future and present depend more on their parents than on themselves. There are very few occasions when parents make decisions after carefully considering every small aspect related to their children. Today’s parents take time to address minor issues and make decisions based on their expectations. Often, they need to guide their children toward what they perceive as right. However, this is a natural process. During an age when children are not yet capable of making their own decisions and may disagree with their parents’ choices, the loving relationship can be adversely affected. In such situations, parents may also scold their children to emphasize their point. This expectation arises from parents’ desire for their children to exhibit greater obedience than others and reflects the seriousness with which they approach this matter. These conflicts often lead to an increase in ego and selfishness between both parents and children.

How to make your kids strong

Promoting  Self-Reliance

•  In an agriculture-based society, where children diligently follow ideals by working day and night and fulfilling their duties, the concept of a self-reliant life begins to take shape during childhood itself.”No stone is left unturned in motivating and praising the children so that they develop self-reliance in them. Keeping in mind the interests of the children in their decisions, parents try to make them take their own decisions. For this, they give them the required amount of freedom. According to the age, there is a risk of some adverse effects on the children, parents are well aware of this fact

Instilling Responsibility

•  Whether it’s taking care of their younger siblings or assisting their mother with household chores, children often view these tasks as games rather than responsibilities. However, if children are assigned tasks with clear expectations, they begin to develop a sense of responsibility. By entrusting children with responsibilities, they learn valuable life lessons. In fact, they often become so enthusiastic that they want to participate in every task. Village children, especially, show interest in activities like plowing or driving a bullock cart—typical agricultural work. These situations provide an excellent opportunity to instill a sense of responsibility in children. When details are explained to them in such contexts, their excitement grows even further.

Fostering Self-Confidence

• Self-confidence is a very important factor in children. For any quality of a child to prove useful, the level of self-confidence must be high. The first prerequisite for solving any problem is to have faith in oneself. When children receive support aligned with their preferences, their chances of excelling in that field increase, allowing them to achieve success with fewer obstacles.

In this manner, the new Indian generation is progressing by striking a balance between the mutually influencing factors of traditional and modern parenting

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